Our Story
It was 1976 and two 12-year-old boys got lost off the backside of Tahoe’s Northstar ski area. At the time, there was no organized search and rescue protocol to find the boys. A series of desperate phone calls ensued, and the clock was ticking. One of the boy’s father, along with a group of volunteer skiers, headed out into the blizzard to search. It was too late. One of the boys died that day, but his death prompted the formation of the Tahoe Nordic Search & Rescue, and his father remains an important part of the organization.
Based in the Truckee-North Lake Tahoe area, Tahoe Nordic Search & Rescue (TNSAR) is a non-profit, all-volunteer organization that works closely with local sheriff’s departments and other agencies to conduct emergency search and rescue operations each year to those lost or hurt in the wilderness of the rugged Sierra Nevada range. The organization also works to promote winter and backcountry safety for all ages throughout the Tahoe community, including a program for local fourth grade students called Winter Aware. Our organization’s mission remains the same as it did on day one: conduct fast and safe rescues and educate the public on winter safety.
Each year TNSAR acknowledges the efforts of a particular member who goes above and beyond the call of duty. For the 2023-2024 season, Wes Moody, TGSR fundraising extraordinaire, was selected as the Member of the Year.

Search Subjects
The Team
Our volunteer organization is made up of EMTs, emergency room doctors and nurses, firefighters, ski patrollers, paramedics, and experienced backcountry skiers and snowmobilers who donate their time to help others. In addition to the rescue crew, some of our volunteers work strictly in communications, bookkeeping, dispatch, education, and equipment maintenance. We provide wilderness first aid and rescue training to all members.
Tahoe Nordic Search and Rescue celebrates the diversity of the community we serve. As an all volunteer organization we welcome people of all races, genders, cultures, physical abilities, religions, and backgrounds and recognize the value of creating a diverse team to implement our mission.
No search is the same. TNSAR has conducted hundreds of searches over the years, often at night and in raging snowstorms. We have helped locate lost hikers, missing or injured backcountry skiers and snowboarders, and avalanche victims. We maintain an unrivaled success rate for finding lost recreationalists in the outdoors.
TNSAR Team Truck
The TNSAR truck is a 2008 Ford crew cab, specially outfitted to meet team needs. It serves as an equipment cache holding all the tools of backcountry wintertravel: skis, poles, backpacks, stoves, tents, sleeping bags, food, maps, radios, avalanche transceivers, shovels, storm clothing, headlamps, medical kits, climbing skins, rock and ice climbing gear, sleds, snowshoes, etc. Currently there is enough equipment to outfit about 12 skiers for any weather.
LMC 1500 Snocat
Snocats are a vital piece of equipment in support of the Team's winter rescues; the machines can transport victims and rescuers when terrain and snow conditions permit. TNSAR provides the operation, transportation, maintenance, and upkeep for both Snocat's. TNSAR is fortunate for the continued generosity of the Placer County Water Agency and our partnership with the Tahoe City Public Utility District, to operate an LMC 1500.
Pisten Bully 100 & Rollaway Truck Hauler
In 2018 TNSAR applied for and was awarded Agency Partnership status with the Truckee Tahoe Airport District. The Truckee Tahoe Airport District is furthering its mission, which is to provide a high level of benefit and value to all Airport District constituents. TNSAR and TTAD have embarked on a 20 year partnership agreement which includes the acquisition of the Pisten Bully 100 snow cat and the rollaway truck hauler.

Rescue Community
We can’t do this alone. We work closely with a number of local agencies, including:
TNSAR adheres to the mutual aid guidelines developed in part by the California Office of Emergency Services (OES) and specified in the Alpine Team Guidelines for SAR and Mutual Aid.
TNSAR also has excellent working relationships with the management and ski patrols of the Tahoe area’s downhill and nordic ski areas. The expertise and professionalism of these groups have been instrumental in the success of emergency search missions.
Executive Board Members
Sarah Krammen
Matt Jacobs
Joanna Wright
Scott Schroepfer
Tony Sabatella (2025)
Andrew Oesterreicher (2025)
Slater Stewart (2026)
Wes Moody (2026)
Friends & Partners
Many of these organizations also support The Great Ski Race, our primary fundraiser. Sponsors of The Great Ski Race can be found at thegreatskirace.com.